A Sortix egy apró, self-hosting Unix-like operációs rendszer, amelynek fejlesztése 2011 ót tart és amelyen tiszta, modern POSIX implementációnak szán a fejlesztője.
Főbb tulajdonságai, jellemzői:
- Everything is part of an coherent whole.
- Homemade kernel.
- Homemade libc.
- POSIX implementation.
- NetBSD’s libm (will likely be replaced by musl’s libm).
- Homemade shell utility programs.
- Shell environment with common Unix programs.
- Documentation and user guides.
- Games (asteroids, quake).
- C and C++ compilers.
- Development headers and libraries are included.
- Text editor.
- Unicode support.
- System source code is included.
- Ports of third party programs and libraries.
- User-space filesystems.
- ext2 filesystem support.
- mbr partition table support.
- PATA PIO harddisk driver (AHCI driver not merged yet).
- Memory mapped IO.
- Unix sockets.
- Kernel debugger.
- Non-blocking IO.
- Date and time support.
- Process groups.
- chroot.
- Line editing in the shell.
- Pthreads.
- #! magic sequence supported.
- Unix Signals.
- Symbolic links.
- Regression tests.
- BGA graphics driver for virtual machines.
- Incorporates Sortix libz, a clean fork of zlib.
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