(Ehhez a fórumtopikhoz lazán kapcsolódóan…, az első rész itt olvasható)

A húsvéti előtti rákészülés (vö: unalom) szülte ezt a kísérletet. Vagyis a “jééé, ez itt van a polcon, úgyse jó már semmire, nézzük meg mi van benne”. A hardver egy FreeBSD-alapú, kereskedelmi tűzfal vasa. A márkajelzést kegyeleti okokból kitakartam, de aki akarja, úgyis kitalálja. Erre próbáljuk ráfeszíteni a FreeBSD-alapú pfSense-t, ami nem annyira egyértelmű, mint amennyire elsőre látszana… bár nem is túl bonyolult.

A tűzfalgyártó nem nagyon erőltette meg magát, legkisebb termékéhez egy Via Nano U3400-as lapot gyártat Tajvanon. De azért, hogy a rajta futó, FreeBSD-alapú, de proprietary operációs rendszert ne nagyon abuzálgassa senki, saját BIOS-t készít, ami biztosítja, hogy csak az általa árusított eszközökről bootoljon. Így az USB-s pendrive, CD-ROM stb. bootlás kizárva. A gépben levő 2 GB-os SSD viszont eltávolítható, így egyszerűen lehet más rendszert telepíteni. A teszt célja természetesen nem az volt, hogy kiderítsük, lehet-e egy 200+ ezer forintos tűzfalból “olcsó(bb)” tűzfalat csinálni, hanem az, hogy megnézzük, a pfSense életképes-e a Via Nano rendszereken.
Az eredeti OS dd-vel történő biztonságba helyezése után, mehetett fel a pfSense legújabb fejlesztői verziója. A rendszert soros porton (set console=comconsole) keresztül “boot -v” paraméterrel kellett indítani, mert különben nem találja a root fájlrendszert. Talán a BIOS ellenőrzi, hogy debug módban van-e a rendszer és ha nem, akkor elrejti a “merevlemezt” (ami esetünkben egy SSD) az OS elől? Mindenesetre, ha nincs soros port, akkor boot során nem “látszik” a “merevlemez”…
_ __ / _/ ___| ___ _ __ ___ ___
| '_ \| |_\___ \ / _ \ '_ \/ __|/ _ \
| |_) | _|___) | __/ | | \__ \ __/
| .__/|_| |____/ \___|_| |_|___/\___|
+============Welcome to pfSense===========+
| | ______
| 1. Boot Multi User [Enter] | / \
| 2. Boot [S]ingle User | _____/ f \
| 3. [Esc]ape to loader prompt | / \ /
| 4. Reboot | / p \______/ Sense
| | \ / \
| Options: | \_____/ \
| 5. [K]ernel: kernel (1 of 2) | \ /
| 6. Configure Boot [O]ptions... | \______/
| |
| |
| |
To get back to the menu, type `menu' and press ENTER
or type `boot' and press ENTER to start pfSense.
Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help.
OK boot -v
/boot/kernel/kernel text=0x1292c18 data=0x8a1bb0+0x23ec20 syms=[0x8+0x177708+0x8+0x173ed4]
KDB: debugger backends: ddb
KDB: current backend: ddb
Table 'FACP' at 0x3f7b0290
Table 'APIC' at 0x3f7b0390
APIC: Found table at 0x3f7b0390
APIC: Using the MADT enumerator.
MADT: Found CPU APIC ID 0 ACPI ID 1: enabled
SMP: Added CPU 0 (AP)
Copyright (c) 1992-2016 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p17 #68 8ad574a26(RELENG_2_3): Tue Apr 11 13:22:51 CDT 2017
root@ce23-amd64-builder:/builder/pfsense/tmp/obj/builder/pfsense/tmp/FreeBSD-src/sys/pfSense amd64
FreeBSD clang version 3.4.1 (tags/RELEASE_34/dot1-final 208032) 20140512
Preloaded elf kernel "/boot/kernel/kernel" at 0xffffffff8245f000.
Calibrating TSC clock ... TSC clock: 800048072 Hz
CPU: VIA Nano U3400@800MHz (800.05-MHz K8-class CPU)
Origin="CentaurHauls" Id=0x6fa Family=0x6 Model=0xf Stepping=10
AMD Features=0x20100800
AMD Features2=0x1
VIA Padlock Features=0x1ec33dcc
VT-x: Basic Features=0x1a0400
Pin-Based Controls=0x3f
Primary Processor Controls=0x77f9fffe
Exit Controls=0x1a0400
Entry Controls=0x1a0400
TSC: P-state invariant
real memory = 1073741824 (1024 MB)
Physical memory chunk(s):
0x0000000000010000 - 0x000000000009afff, 569344 bytes (139 pages)
0x0000000000100000 - 0x00000000001fffff, 1048576 bytes (256 pages)
0x00000000024a6000 - 0x000000003dd7efff, 999133184 bytes (243929 pages)
avail memory = 989855744 (944 MB)
Event timer "LAPIC" quality 400
LAPIC: ipi_wait() us multiplier 23 (r 34000036 tsc 800048072)
ACPI APIC Table: <050114 APIC1004>
XEN: CPU 0 has VCPU ID 1
x86bios: IVT 0x000000-0x0004ff at 0xfffff80000000000
x86bios: SSEG 0x09a000-0x09afff at 0xfffffe004d290000
x86bios: EBDA 0x09f000-0x09ffff at 0xfffff8000009f000
x86bios: ROM 0x0a0000-0x0fefff at 0xfffff800000a0000
Hardware, Intel Secure Key RNG: RDRAND is not present
Falling back to random adaptor
random: initialized
ULE: setup cpu 0
ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000FA090 000024 (v02 ACPIAM)
ACPI: XSDT 0x000000003F7B0100 00004C (v01 050114 XSDT1004 20140501 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: FACP 0x000000003F7B0290 0000F4 (v04 050114 FACP1004 20140501 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: DSDT 0x000000003F7B04C0 00464F (v02 1AAAA 1AAAA000 00000000 INTL 20051117)
ACPI: FACS 0x000000003F7BE000 000040
ACPI: APIC 0x000000003F7B0390 000092 (v02 050114 APIC1004 20140501 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: MCFG 0x000000003F7B0430 00003C (v01 050114 OEMMCFG 20140501 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: WDRT 0x000000003F7B0470 000047 (v01 050114 OEMWDRT 20140501 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: HPET 0x000000003F7BA4C0 000038 (v01 050114 VIA HPET 20140501 MSFT 00000097)
MADT: Found IO APIC ID 1, Interrupt 0 at 0xfec00000
ioapic0: Routing external 8259A's -> intpin 0
MADT: Found IO APIC ID 2, Interrupt 24 at 0xfecc0000
MADT: Interrupt override: source 0, irq 2
ioapic0: Routing IRQ 0 -> intpin 2
MADT: Interrupt override: source 9, irq 9
ioapic0: intpin 9 trigger: level
ioapic0: intpin 9 polarity: low
MADT: Interrupt override: source 10, irq 10
ioapic0: intpin 10 trigger: level
ioapic0: intpin 10 polarity: low
MADT: Interrupt override: source 4, irq 4
MADT: Interrupt override: source 3, irq 3
MADT: Interrupt override: source 11, irq 11
ioapic0: intpin 11 trigger: level
ioapic0: intpin 11 polarity: low
MADT: Interrupt override: source 7, irq 7
ioapic0: intpin 7 trigger: level
ioapic0: intpin 7 polarity: low
ioapic0 irqs 0-23 on motherboard
ioapic1 irqs 24-47 on motherboard
cpu0 BSP:
ID: 0x00000000 VER: 0x00050014 LDR: 0x00000000 DFR: 0xffffffff
lint0: 0x00010700 lint1: 0x00000400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff
timer: 0x000100ef therm: 0x00010000 err: 0x000000f0 pmc: 0x00010400
snd_unit_init() u=0x00ff8000 [512] d=0x00007c00 [32] c=0x000003ff [1024]
feeder_register: snd_unit=-1 snd_maxautovchans=16 latency=5 feeder_rate_min=1 feeder_rate_max=2016000 feeder_rate_round=25
firmware: 'wpifw' version 153229: 150100 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81e93e74
firmware: 'rt2661fw' version 0: 8192 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81dfaf54
firmware: 'rt2860fw' version 0: 8192 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81dfd004
wlan: mac acl policy registered
ipw_bss: You need to read the LICENSE file in /usr/share/doc/legal/intel_ipw/.
ipw_bss: If you agree with the license, set legal.intel_ipw.license_ack=1 in /boot/loader.conf.
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (ipw_bss_fw, 0xffffffff80620930, 0) error 1
ipw_ibss: You need to read the LICENSE file in /usr/share/doc/legal/intel_ipw/.
ipw_ibss: If you agree with the license, set legal.intel_ipw.license_ack=1 in /boot/loader.conf.
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (ipw_ibss_fw, 0xffffffff806209e0, 0) error 1
ipw_monitor: You need to read the LICENSE file in /usr/share/doc/legal/intel_ipw/.
ipw_monitor: If you agree with the license, set legal.intel_ipw.license_ack=1 in /boot/loader.conf.
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (ipw_monitor_fw, 0xffffffff80620a90, 0) error 1
iwi_bss: You need to read the LICENSE file in /usr/share/doc/legal/intel_iwi/.
iwi_bss: If you agree with the license, set legal.intel_iwi.license_ack=1 in /boot/loader.conf.
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (iwi_bss_fw, 0xffffffff80647c30, 0) error 1
iwi_ibss: You need to read the LICENSE file in /usr/share/doc/legal/intel_iwi/.
iwi_ibss: If you agree with the license, set legal.intel_iwi.license_ack=1 in /boot/loader.conf.
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (iwi_ibss_fw, 0xffffffff80647ce0, 0) error 1
wlan: <802.11 Link Layer>
iwi_monitor: You need to read the LICENSE file in /usr/share/doc/legal/intel_iwi/.
iwi_monitor: If you agree with the license, set legal.intel_iwi.license_ack=1 in /boot/loader.conf.
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (iwi_monitor_fw, 0xffffffff80647d90, 0) error 1
firmware: 'rsu-rtl8712fw' version 120: 122328 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81e56d14
firmware: 'runfw' version 0: 8192 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81e74ed4
firmware: 'iwn1000fw' version 0: 337520 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff8190cea4
firmware: 'urtwn-rtl8188eufw' version 111: 13904 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81e7780c
firmware: 'urtwn-rtl8192cfwT' version 111: 16076 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81e7af0c
firmware: 'urtwn-rtl8192cfwU' version 111: 16076 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81e7ee84
firmware: 'iwn2000fw' version 0: 695876 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff8195f5c4
firmware: 'iwn2030fw' version 0: 707392 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81a094b4
firmware: 'iwn4965fw' version 0: 187972 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81ab60a4
firmware: 'iwn5000fw' version 0: 340696 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81ae3f94
firmware: 'iwn5150fw' version 0: 337400 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81b3731c
firmware: 'iwn6000fw' version 0: 454608 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81b899c4
firmware: 'iwn6000g2afw' version 0: 444128 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81bf8a44
firmware: 'iwn6000g2bfw' version 0: 460912 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81c651d4
firmware: 'iwn6050fw' version 0: 469780 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81cd5af4
firmware: 'mw88W8363fw' version 0: 94940 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81d5442c
firmware: 'mwlboot' version 0: 2280 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81d6b708
firmware: 'mxge_eth_z8e' version 377284: 120629 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81d6c1c0
firmware: 'mxge_ethp_z8e' version 387604: 121317 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81d899b0
firmware: 'mxge_rss_eth_z8e' version 534724: 151912 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81da7450
firmware: 'mxge_rss_ethp_z8e' version 544468: 152837 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81dcc670
firmware: 't4fw_cfg' version 0: 3215 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff816cc534
firmware: 't4fw_cfg_uwire' version 0: 21374 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff816cd1c3
firmware: 't4fw' version 0: 539648 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff816d2541
firmware: 't5fw_cfg' version 0: 3591 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff817561f4
firmware: 't5fw' version 0: 593920 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81756ffb
firmware: 'rt2561fw' version 0: 8192 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81df6df4
firmware: 'rt2561sfw' version 0: 8192 bytes loaded at 0xffffffff81df8ea4
netmap: loaded module
nfslock: pseudo-device
kbd: new array size 4
kbd1 at kbdmux0
VESA: INT 0x10 vector 0xc000:0x62f3
VESA: information block
0000 56 45 53 41 00 03 75 42 00 c0 01 00 00 00 22 00
0010 00 98 00 02 00 01 72 42 00 c0 73 42 00 c0 74 42
0020 00 c0 07 01 1a 01 1b 01 05 01 17 01 18 01 03 01
0030 14 01 15 01 01 01 11 01 12 01 ff ff 00 00 00 00
0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0100 56 49 41 20 4e 33 34 31 30 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00
0110 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0130 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0150 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0170 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0180 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
VESA: 12 mode(s) found
VESA: v3.0, 32768k memory, flags:0x1, mode table:0xfffffe004d2d2022 (98000022)
VMBUS: load
hpt27xx: RocketRAID 27xx controller driver v1.2.7
hptrr: RocketRAID 17xx/2xxx SATA controller driver v1.2
hptnr: R750/DC7280 controller driver v1.1.4
cryptosoft0: on motherboard
crypto: assign cryptosoft0 driver id 0, flags 100663296
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 1 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 2 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 3 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 4 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 5 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 16 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 6 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 7 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 18 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 19 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 20 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 8 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 15 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 9 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 10 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 13 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 14 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 11 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 22 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 23 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 25 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 24 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 26 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 27 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 28 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 21 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 17 flags 0 maxoplen 0
padlock0: on motherboard
crypto: assign padlock0 driver id 1, flags 16777216
crypto: padlock0 registers alg 11 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: padlock0 registers alg 6 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: padlock0 registers alg 7 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: padlock0 registers alg 8 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: padlock0 registers alg 18 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: padlock0 registers alg 19 flags 0 maxoplen 0
crypto: padlock0 registers alg 20 flags 0 maxoplen 0
acpi0: <050114 XSDT1004> on motherboard
ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired
PCIe: Memory Mapped configuration base @ 0xe0000000
ioapic0: routing intpin 9 (ISA IRQ 9) to lapic 0 vector 48
ACPI: Executed 1 blocks of module-level executable AML code
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
cpu0: on acpi0
cpu0: switching to generic Cx mode
ACPI: Processor \_PR_.P002 (ACPI ID 2) ignored
ACPI: Processor \_PR_.P003 (ACPI ID 3) ignored
ACPI: Processor \_PR_.P004 (ACPI ID 4) ignored
attimer0: port 0x40-0x43 on acpi0
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
ioapic0: routing intpin 2 (ISA IRQ 0) to lapic 0 vector 49
Event timer "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 100
atrtc0: port 0x70-0x71 on acpi0
atrtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock (resolution 1000000us, adjustment 0.500000000s)
ioapic0: routing intpin 8 (ISA IRQ 8) to lapic 0 vector 50
Event timer "RTC" frequency 32768 Hz quality 0
hpet0: iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff irq 0,8 on acpi0
hpet0: vendor 0x1106, rev 0x1, 14318180Hz, 3 timers, legacy route
hpet0: t0: irqs 0x000f0000 (0), periodic
hpet0: t1: irqs 0x000f0000 (0), periodic
hpet0: t2: irqs 0x000f0800 (0), periodic
Timecounter "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 950
ioapic0: routing intpin 16 (PCI IRQ 16) to lapic 0 vector 51
Event timer "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET1" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET2" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
ACPI timer: 1/2 1/2 1/1 1/2 0/2 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/2 -> 9
Timecounter "ACPI-safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 850
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x808-0x80b on acpi0
pci_link0: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 5 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 5 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pci_link1: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 11 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 11 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pci_link2: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 15 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 15 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pci_link3: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 7 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 7 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pci_link4: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pci_link5: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pci_link6: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pci_link7: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs
Initial Probe 0 10 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
Validation 0 10 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
After Disable 0 255 N 0 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15
pcib0: port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pcib0: decoding 5 range 0-0xff
pcib0: decoding 4 range 0-0xcf7
pcib0: decoding 4 range 0xd00-0xffff
pcib0: decoding 3 range 0xa0000-0xbffff
pcib0: decoding 3 range 0xd0000-0xdffff
pcib0: decoding 3 range 0x3f800000-0xdfffffff
pcib0: decoding 3 range 0xf0000000-0xfebfffff
pci0: on pcib0
pci0: domain=0, physical bus=0
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x0410, revid=0x80
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=0
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x1410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=1
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x2410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=2
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x3410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=3
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x4410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=4
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x5410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=5
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x6410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=6
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x7410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=7
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x7122, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=1, func=0
class=03-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=10
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfd000000, size 24, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfd000000-0xfdffffff) for rid 10 of pci0:0:1:0
map[14]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfc000000, size 24, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfc000000-0xfcffffff) for rid 14 of pci0:0:1:0
map[18]: type Prefetchable Memory, range 32, base 0xfb800000, size 23, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfb800000-0xfbffffff) for rid 18 of pci0:0:1:0
pcib0: matched entry for 0.1.INTA
pcib0: slot 1 INTA hardwired to IRQ 40
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xa410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=3, func=0
class=06-04-00, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0104, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=10
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit, vector masks
pcib0: matched entry for 0.3.INTA
pcib0: slot 3 INTA hardwired to IRQ 27
secbus=1, subbus=1
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xb410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=3, func=1
class=06-04-00, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0104, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=b, irq=10
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit, vector masks
pcib0: matched entry for 0.3.INTB
pcib0: slot 3 INTB hardwired to IRQ 31
secbus=2, subbus=2
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xc410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=3, func=2
class=06-04-00, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0107, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=c, irq=10
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit, vector masks
pcib0: matched entry for 0.3.INTC
pcib0: slot 3 INTC hardwired to IRQ 35
secbus=3, subbus=3
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xd410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=3, func=3
class=06-04-00, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0107, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=d, irq=10
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit, vector masks
pcib0: matched entry for 0.3.INTD
pcib0: slot 3 INTD hardwired to IRQ 39
secbus=4, subbus=4
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xe410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=3, func=4
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0006, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xa409, revid=0x10
domain=0, bus=0, slot=11, func=0
class=02-80-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0017, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=5
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfe9ef800, size 11, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfe9ef800-0xfe9effff) for rid 10 of pci0:0:11:0
pcib0: matched entry for 0.11.INTA
pcib0: slot 11 INTA hardwired to IRQ 19
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x95d0, revid=0x10
domain=0, bus=0, slot=12, func=0
class=08-05-01, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0017, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=5
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfe9ef400, size 8, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfe9ef400-0xfe9ef4ff) for rid 10 of pci0:0:12:0
map[14]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xcc00, size 3, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xcc00-0xcc07) for rid 14 of pci0:0:12:0
pcib0: matched entry for 0.12.INTA
pcib0: slot 12 INTA hardwired to IRQ 22
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x9530, revid=0x61
domain=0, bus=0, slot=13, func=0
class=05-01-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=5
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfe9ee800, size 11, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfe9ee800-0xfe9eefff) for rid 10 of pci0:0:13:0
map[14]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc880, size 3, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xc880-0xc887) for rid 14 of pci0:0:13:0
pcib0: matched entry for 0.13.INTA
pcib0: slot 13 INTA hardwired to IRQ 23
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x9001, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=15, func=0
class=01-01-8f, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0290, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=11
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
map[10]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc800, size 3, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xc800-0xc807) for rid 10 of pci0:0:15:0
map[14]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc480, size 2, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xc480-0xc483) for rid 14 of pci0:0:15:0
map[18]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc400, size 3, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xc400-0xc407) for rid 18 of pci0:0:15:0
map[1c]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc080, size 2, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xc080-0xc083) for rid 1c of pci0:0:15:0
map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc000, size 4, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xc000-0xc00f) for rid 20 of pci0:0:15:0
pcib0: matched entry for 0.15.INTA
pcib0: slot 15 INTA hardwired to IRQ 21
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x3038, revid=0xa0
domain=0, bus=0, slot=16, func=0
class=0c-03-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0017, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=5
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xbc00, size 5, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xbc00-0xbc1f) for rid 20 of pci0:0:16:0
pcib0: matched entry for 0.16.INTA
pcib0: slot 16 INTA hardwired to IRQ 20
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x3038, revid=0xa0
domain=0, bus=0, slot=16, func=1
class=0c-03-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0017, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=b, irq=11
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xb880, size 5, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xb880-0xb89f) for rid 20 of pci0:0:16:1
pcib0: matched entry for 0.16.INTB
pcib0: slot 16 INTB hardwired to IRQ 22
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x3038, revid=0xa0
domain=0, bus=0, slot=16, func=2
class=0c-03-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0017, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=c, irq=15
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xb800, size 5, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xb800-0xb81f) for rid 20 of pci0:0:16:2
pcib0: matched entry for 0.16.INTC
pcib0: slot 16 INTC hardwired to IRQ 21
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x3038, revid=0xa0
domain=0, bus=0, slot=16, func=3
class=0c-03-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0017, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=d, irq=7
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xb480, size 5, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xb480-0xb49f) for rid 20 of pci0:0:16:3
pcib0: matched entry for 0.16.INTD
pcib0: slot 16 INTD hardwired to IRQ 23
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x3104, revid=0x90
domain=0, bus=0, slot=16, func=4
class=0c-03-20, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0017, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=d, irq=7
powerspec 2 supports D0 D1 D2 D3 current D0
map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfe9ef000, size 8, enabled
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfe9ef000-0xfe9ef0ff) for rid 10 of pci0:0:16:4
pcib0: matched entry for 0.16.INTD
pcib0: slot 16 INTD hardwired to IRQ 23
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0x8410, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=17, func=0
class=06-01-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
cmdreg=0x0003, statreg=0x0210, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xa353, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=17, func=7
class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0106, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x08 (240 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x1106, dev=0xb353, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=0, slot=19, func=0
class=06-04-01, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0104, statreg=0x2010, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
secbus=5, subbus=5
vgapci0: mem 0xfd000000-0xfdffffff,0xfc000000-0xfcffffff,0xfb800000-0xfbffffff irq 40 at device 1.0 on pci0
vgapci0: Boot video device
pcib1: irq 27 at device 3.0 on pci0
pcib1: domain 0
pcib1: secondary bus 1
pcib1: subordinate bus 1
pcib1: special decode ISA
pci1: on pcib1
pcib1: allocated bus range (1-1) for rid 0 of pci1
pci1: domain=0, physical bus=1
pcib2: irq 31 at device 3.1 on pci0
pcib2: domain 0
pcib2: secondary bus 2
pcib2: subordinate bus 2
pcib2: special decode ISA
pci2: on pcib2
pcib2: allocated bus range (2-2) for rid 0 of pci2
pci2: domain=0, physical bus=2
pcib3: irq 35 at device 3.2 on pci0
pcib3: allocating non-ISA range 0xd000-0xd0ff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xd000-0xd0ff) for rid 1c of pcib3
pcib3: allocating non-ISA range 0xd400-0xd4ff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xd400-0xd4ff) for rid 1c of pcib3
pcib3: allocating non-ISA range 0xd800-0xd8ff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xd800-0xd8ff) for rid 1c of pcib3
pcib3: allocating non-ISA range 0xdc00-0xdcff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xdc00-0xdcff) for rid 1c of pcib3
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfea00000-0xfeafffff) for rid 20 of pcib3
pcib3: domain 0
pcib3: secondary bus 3
pcib3: subordinate bus 3
pcib3: I/O decode 0xd000-0xdfff
pcib3: memory decode 0xfea00000-0xfeafffff
pcib3: special decode ISA
pci3: on pcib3
pcib3: allocated bus range (3-3) for rid 0 of pci3
pci3: domain=0, physical bus=3
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x10d3, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=3, slot=0, func=0
class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0107, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=10
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
MSI-X supports 5 messages in map 0x1c
map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfeae0000, size 17, enabled
pcib3: allocated memory range (0xfeae0000-0xfeafffff) for rid 10 of pci0:3:0:0
map[18]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xdc00, size 5, enabled
pcib3: allocated I/O port range (0xdc00-0xdc1f) for rid 18 of pci0:3:0:0
map[1c]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfeadc000, size 14, enabled
pcib3: allocated memory range (0xfeadc000-0xfeadffff) for rid 1c of pci0:3:0:0
pcib3: matched entry for 3.0.INTA
pcib3: slot 0 INTA hardwired to IRQ 32
em0: port 0xdc00-0xdc1f mem 0xfeae0000-0xfeafffff,0xfeadc000-0xfeadffff irq 32 at device 0.0 on pci3
em0: attempting to allocate 3 MSI-X vectors (5 supported)
msi: routing MSI-X IRQ 256 to local APIC 0 vector 52
msi: routing MSI-X IRQ 257 to local APIC 0 vector 53
msi: routing MSI-X IRQ 258 to local APIC 0 vector 54
em0: using IRQs 256-258 for MSI-X
em0: Using MSIX interrupts with 3 vectors
em0: bpf attached
em0: Ethernet address: 00:0d:b4:0f:ee:bf
em0: netmap queues/slots: TX 1/1024, RX 1/1024
pcib4: irq 39 at device 3.3 on pci0
pcib4: allocating non-ISA range 0xe000-0xe0ff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xe000-0xe0ff) for rid 1c of pcib4
pcib4: allocating non-ISA range 0xe400-0xe4ff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xe400-0xe4ff) for rid 1c of pcib4
pcib4: allocating non-ISA range 0xe800-0xe8ff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xe800-0xe8ff) for rid 1c of pcib4
pcib4: allocating non-ISA range 0xec00-0xecff
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0xec00-0xecff) for rid 1c of pcib4
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xfeb00000-0xfebfffff) for rid 20 of pcib4
pcib4: domain 0
pcib4: secondary bus 4
pcib4: subordinate bus 4
pcib4: I/O decode 0xe000-0xefff
pcib4: memory decode 0xfeb00000-0xfebfffff
pcib4: special decode ISA
pci4: on pcib4
pcib4: allocated bus range (4-4) for rid 0 of pci4
pci4: domain=0, physical bus=4
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x10d3, revid=0x00
domain=0, bus=4, slot=0, func=0
class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
cmdreg=0x0107, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=8 (dwords)
lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
intpin=a, irq=10
powerspec 2 supports D0 D3 current D0
MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
MSI-X supports 5 messages in map 0x1c
map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfebe0000, size 17, enabled
pcib4: allocated memory range (0xfebe0000-0xfebfffff) for rid 10 of pci0:4:0:0
map[18]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xec00, size 5, enabled
pcib4: allocated I/O port range (0xec00-0xec1f) for rid 18 of pci0:4:0:0
map[1c]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfebdc000, size 14, enabled
pcib4: allocated memory range (0xfebdc000-0xfebdffff) for rid 1c of pci0:4:0:0
pcib4: matched entry for 4.0.INTA
pcib4: slot 0 INTA hardwired to IRQ 36
em1: port 0xec00-0xec1f mem 0xfebe0000-0xfebfffff,0xfebdc000-0xfebdffff irq 36 at device 0.0 on pci4
em1: attempting to allocate 3 MSI-X vectors (5 supported)
msi: routing MSI-X IRQ 259 to local APIC 0 vector 55
msi: routing MSI-X IRQ 260 to local APIC 0 vector 56
msi: routing MSI-X IRQ 261 to local APIC 0 vector 57
em1: using IRQs 259-261 for MSI-X
em1: Using MSIX interrupts with 3 vectors
em1: bpf attached
em1: Ethernet address: 00:0d:b4:0f:ee:c0
em1: netmap queues/slots: TX 1/1024, RX 1/1024
pci0: at device 11.0 (no driver attached)
sdhci_pci0: port 0xcc00-0xcc07 mem 0xfe9ef400-0xfe9ef4ff irq 22 at device 12.0 on pci0
sdhci_pci0-slot0: 48MHz HS 1bit 3.3V 1.8V DMA
sdhci_pci0-slot0: ============== REGISTER DUMP ==============
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Sys addr: 0x00000000 | Version: 0x00000001
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Blk size: 0x00000000 | Blk cnt: 0x00000000
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Argument: 0x00000000 | Trn mode: 0x00000000
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Present: 0x01ff0000 | Host ctl: 0x00000000
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Power: 0x0000000e | Blk gap: 0x00000000
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Wake-up: 0x00000000 | Clock: 0x00000000
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Timeout: 0x00000000 | Int stat: 0x00000000
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Int enab: 0x01ff00fb | Sig enab: 0x01ff00fb
sdhci_pci0-slot0: AC12 err: 0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Caps: 0x056030b0 | Max curr: 0x00f001f0
sdhci_pci0-slot0: ===========================================
sdhci_pci0: 1 slot(s) allocated
ioapic0: routing intpin 22 (PCI IRQ 22) to lapic 0 vector 58
mmc0: on sdhci_pci0
pci0: at device 13.0 (no driver attached)
atapci0: port 0xc800-0xc807,0xc480-0xc483,0xc400-0xc407,0xc080-0xc083,0xc000-0xc00f irq 21 at device 15.0 on pci0
ioapic0: routing intpin 21 (PCI IRQ 21) to lapic 0 vector 59
ata2: at channel 0 on atapci0
ata3: at channel 1 on atapci0
uhci0: port 0xbc00-0xbc1f irq 20 at device 16.0 on pci0
ioapic0: routing intpin 20 (PCI IRQ 20) to lapic 0 vector 60
usbus0 on uhci0
uhci0: usbpf: Attached
uhci1: port 0xb880-0xb89f irq 22 at device 16.1 on pci0
usbus1 on uhci1
uhci1: usbpf: Attached
uhci2: port 0xb800-0xb81f irq 21 at device 16.2 on pci0
usbus2 on uhci2
uhci2: usbpf: Attached
uhci3: port 0xb480-0xb49f irq 23 at device 16.3 on pci0
ioapic0: routing intpin 23 (PCI IRQ 23) to lapic 0 vector 61
usbus3 on uhci3
uhci3: usbpf: Attached
ehci0: mem 0xfe9ef000-0xfe9ef0ff irq 23 at device 16.4 on pci0
ehci0: Dropped interrupts workaround enabled
usbus4: EHCI version 1.0
usbus4 on ehci0
ehci0: usbpf: Attached
isab0: at device 17.0 on pci0
isa0: on isab0
pcib5: at device 19.0 on pci0
pcib5: domain 0
pcib5: secondary bus 5
pcib5: subordinate bus 5
pcib5: special decode ISA, subtractive
pci5: on pcib5
pcib5: allocated bus range (5-5) for rid 0 of pci5
pci5: domain=0, physical bus=5
acpi_button0: on acpi0
acpi_button1: on acpi0
acpi_tz0: on acpi0
acpi_tz1: on acpi0
acpi_acad0: on acpi0
uart0: <16550 or compatible> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on acpi0
uart0: console (115200,n,8,1)
ioapic0: routing intpin 4 (ISA IRQ 4) to lapic 0 vector 62
uart0: fast interrupt
uart0: PPS capture mode: DCDinvalid
uart1: <16550 or compatible> port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0
ioapic0: routing intpin 3 (ISA IRQ 3) to lapic 0 vector 63
uart1: fast interrupt
uart1: PPS capture mode: DCDinvalid
ACPI: Enabled 5 GPEs in block 00 to 0F
acpi0: wakeup code va 0xfffffe003c44c000 pa 0x90000
ahc_isa_identify 0: ioport 0xc00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 1: ioport 0x1c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 2: ioport 0x2c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 3: ioport 0x3c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 4: ioport 0x4c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 5: ioport 0x5c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 6: ioport 0x6c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 7: ioport 0x7c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 8: ioport 0x8c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 9: ioport 0x9c00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 10: ioport 0xac00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 11: ioport 0xbc00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 12: ioport 0xcc00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 13: ioport 0xdc00 alloc failed
ahc_isa_identify 14: ioport 0xec00 alloc failed
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa0000-0xa07ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa0800-0xa0fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa1000-0xa17ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa1800-0xa1fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa2000-0xa27ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa2800-0xa2fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa3000-0xa37ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa3800-0xa3fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa4000-0xa47ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa4800-0xa4fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa5000-0xa57ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa5800-0xa5fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa6000-0xa67ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa6800-0xa6fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa7000-0xa77ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa7800-0xa7fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa8000-0xa87ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa8800-0xa8fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa9000-0xa97ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa9800-0xa9fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xaa000-0xaa7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xaa800-0xaafff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xab000-0xab7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xab800-0xabfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xac000-0xac7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xac800-0xacfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xad000-0xad7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xad800-0xadfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xae000-0xae7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xae800-0xaefff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xaf000-0xaf7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xaf800-0xaffff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb0000-0xb07ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb0800-0xb0fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb1000-0xb17ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb1800-0xb1fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb2000-0xb27ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb2800-0xb2fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb3000-0xb37ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb3800-0xb3fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb4000-0xb47ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb4800-0xb4fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb5000-0xb57ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb5800-0xb5fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb6000-0xb67ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb6800-0xb6fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb7000-0xb77ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb7800-0xb7fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb8000-0xb87ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb8800-0xb8fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb9000-0xb97ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xb9800-0xb9fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xba000-0xba7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xba800-0xbafff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbb000-0xbb7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbb800-0xbbfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbc000-0xbc7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbc800-0xbcfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbd000-0xbd7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbd800-0xbdfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbe000-0xbe7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbe800-0xbefff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbf000-0xbf7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xbf800-0xbffff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd0000-0xd07ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd0800-0xd0fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd1000-0xd17ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd1800-0xd1fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd2000-0xd27ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd2800-0xd2fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd3000-0xd37ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd3800-0xd3fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd4000-0xd47ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd4800-0xd4fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd5000-0xd57ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd5800-0xd5fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd6000-0xd67ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd6800-0xd6fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd7000-0xd77ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd7800-0xd7fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd8000-0xd87ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd8800-0xd8fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd9000-0xd97ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xd9800-0xd9fff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xda000-0xda7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xda800-0xdafff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdb000-0xdb7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdb800-0xdbfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdc000-0xdc7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdc800-0xdcfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdd000-0xdd7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdd800-0xddfff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xde000-0xde7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xde800-0xdefff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdf000-0xdf7ff) for rid 0 of orm0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xdf800-0xdffff) for rid 0 of orm0
isa_probe_children: disabling PnP devices
atrtc: atrtc0 already exists; skipping it
attimer: attimer0 already exists; skipping it
sc: sc0 already exists; skipping it
uart: uart0 already exists; skipping it
uart: uart1 already exists; skipping it
isa_probe_children: probing non-PnP devices
fb: new array size 4
sc0: at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
sc0: fb0, kbd1, terminal emulator: scteken (teken terminal)
vga0: at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0x3c0-0x3df) for rid 0 of vga0
pcib0: allocated type 3 (0xa0000-0xbffff) for rid 0 of vga0
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0x60-0x60) for rid 0 of atkbdc0
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0x64-0x64) for rid 1 of atkbdc0
atkbdc0: at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0x60-0x60) for rid 0 of atkbdc0
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0x64-0x64) for rid 1 of atkbdc0
atkbd0: irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
kbd0: atkbd0, generic (0), config:0x0, flags:0x3f0000
ioapic0: routing intpin 1 (ISA IRQ 1) to lapic 0 vector 64
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
psm0: unable to allocate IRQ
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0x3f0-0x3f5) for rid 0 of fdc0
pcib0: allocated type 4 (0x3f7-0x3f7) for rid 1 of fdc0
fdc0 failed to probe at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
ppc0: cannot reserve I/O port range
ppc0 failed to probe at irq 7 on isa0
wbwd0 failed to probe on isa0
isa_probe_children: probing PnP devices
est0: on cpu0
est: CPU supports Enhanced Speedstep, but is not recognized.
est: cpu_vendor CentaurHauls, msr 84708470800084b
device_attach: est0 attach returned 6
Device configuration finished.
procfs registered
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
pflog0: bpf attached
vlan: initialized, using hash tables with chaining
tcp_init: net.inet.tcp.tcbhashsize auto tuned to 8192
IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
pfsync0: bpf attached
enc0: bpf attached
lo0: bpf attached
hpt27xx: no controller detected.
hptrr: no controller detected.
hptnr: no controller detected.
sdhci_pci0-slot0: Divider 64 for freq 375000 (max 48000000)
mmc0: Probing bus
random: unblocking device.
usbus0: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus1: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus2: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus3: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
ugen0.1: at usbus0
uhub0: on usbus0
ugen1.1: at usbus1
uhub1: on usbus1
ugen2.1: at usbus2
uhub2: on usbus2
ugen3.1: at usbus3
uhub3: on usbus3
usbus4: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
ata2: p0: hard reset ...
ugen4.1: at usbus4
uhub4: on usbus4
mmc0: SD probe: failed
mmc0: MMC probe: failed
mmc0: Current OCR: 0x00000000
mmc0: No compatible cards found on bus
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
ata2: p0: SATA connect timeout status=00000000
ata2: p1: hard reset ...
ata2: p1: SATA connect time=0ms status=00000123
ata2: reset tp1 mask=03 ostat0=7f ostat1=50
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat0=0x7f err=0xff lsb=0xff msb=0xff
ata2: stat1=0x50 err=0x01 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00
ata2: reset tp2 stat0=ff stat1=50 devices=0x2
ata3: reset tp1 mask=00 ostat0=ff ostat1=ff
acpi_acad0: acline initialization start
acpi_acad0: On Line
acpi_acad0: acline initialization done, tried 1 times
pass0 at ata2 bus 0 scbus0 target 1 lun 0
uhub4: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
pass0: <2GB SATA Flash Drive SFDDA01C> ATA8-ACS SATA 2.x device
pass0: Serial Number B1915014402100000204
pass0: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 512bytes)
ada0 at ata2 bus 0 scbus0 target 1 lun 0
ada0: <2GB SATA Flash Drive SFDDA01C> ATA8-ACS SATA 2.x device
ada0: Serial Number B1915014402100000204
ada0: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 512bytes)
ada0: 1918MB (3928176 512 byte sectors)
GEOM: new disk ada0
ada0: Previously was known as ad5
Timecounter "TSC" frequency 800048072 Hz quality 1000
Root mount waiting for: usbus4
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ufs/pfsense0 [ro,sync,noatime]...
start_init: trying /sbin/init
Configuring crash dumps...
/dev/ufs/pfsense0: clean, 856365 free (2117 frags, 106781 blocks, 0.1% fragmentation)
/dev/ufs/cf: clean, 99679 free (31 frags, 12456 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
Filesystems are clean, continuing...
Mounting filesystems...
Setting up memory disks... done.
Disabling APM on /dev/ad5
___/ f \
/ p \___/ Sense
\___/ \
Welcome to pfSense 2.3.4-DEVELOPMENT on the 'nanobsd' platform...
Creating symlinks......ELF ldconfig path: /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib/compat /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/ipsec /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.24/mach/CORE
32-bit compatibility ldconfig path: /usr/lib32
ugen0.2: at usbus0
ukbd0: on usbus0
kbd2 at ukbd0
kbd2: ukbd0, generic (0), config:0x0, flags:0x3d0000
uhid0: on usbus0
External config loader 1.0 is now starting... ada0s1 ada0s1aw starting... ada0s2 ada0s2aw starting... ada0s3
Launching the init system....... done.
Initializing.................. done.
Starting device manager (devd)...done.
Loading configuration......done.
Updating configuration...done.
Cleaning backup cache.......done.
Setting up extended sysctls...done.
Setting timezone...done.
Configuring loopback interface...done.
Starting syslog...done.
Starting Secure Shell Services...done.
Setting up polling defaults...done.
Setting up interfaces microcode...done.
Configuring loopback interface...done.
Creating wireless clone interfaces...done.
Configuring LAGG interfaces...done.
Configuring VLAN interfaces...done.
Configuring QinQ interfaces...done.
Configuring WAN interface...done.
Configuring LAN interface...done.
Configuring CARP settings...done.
Syncing OpenVPN settings...done.
Configuring firewall......done.
Starting PFLOG...done.
Setting up gateway monitors...done.
Starting DNS Resolver...done.
Synchronizing user settings...done.
Starting webConfigurator...done.
Configuring CRON...done.
Starting NTP time client...done.
Starting DHCP service...done.
Starting DHCPv6 service...done.
Configuring firewall......done.
Generating RRD graphs...done.
Starting syslog...done.
Starting CRON... done.
pfSense (nanobsd) 2.3.4-DEVELOPMENT amd64 Tue Apr 11 12:43:29 CDT 2017
Bootup complete
FreeBSD/amd64 (pfSense.localdomain) (ttyu0)
*** Welcome to pfSense 2.3.4-DEVELOPMENT (amd64 nanobsd) on pfSense ***
WAN (wan) -> em0 ->
LAN (lan) -> em1 -> v4:
0) Logout (SSH only) 9) pfTop
1) Assign Interfaces 10) Filter Logs
2) Set interface(s) IP address 11) Restart webConfigurator
3) Reset webConfigurator password 12) PHP shell + pfSense tools
4) Reset to factory defaults 13) Update from console
5) Reboot system 14) Enable Secure Shell (sshd)
6) Halt system 15) Restore recent configuration
7) Ping host 16) Restart PHP-FPM
8) Shell
Enter an option:
Miután idáig eljutottunk, a webes felületen be is léphetünk:

Amint az látszik, a lap szépen támogatott FreeBSD alatt. Még a hardverszenzorok is adnak adatot. Egyetlen probléma az, hogy ugyan a lapon egy rahedli hálózati csatoló van, csak egyetlen egy (em0) használható közülük. A többi LAN portba hiába dugunk bármit, nem éled fel rajta a link, noha a rendszer látja az egyik portot em1 alatt:
[2.3.4-DEVELOPMENT][root@fwtest.r00t.hu]/root: ifconfig
em0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 00:0d:b4:0f:ee:bf
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
inet6 fe80::1:1%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
status: active
em1: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 00:0d:b4:0f:ee:c0
inet6 fe80::1:1%em1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
media: Ethernet autoselect
status: no carrier
pflog0: flags=100<PROMISC> metric 0 mtu 33160
pfsync0: flags=0<> metric 0 mtu 1500
syncpeer: maxupd: 128 defer: on
syncok: 1
enc0: flags=0<> metric 0 mtu 1536
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6
Hiába dugunk bármit a megfelelő LAN portba, az em1-en “no carrier” tapasztalható. Ennek az oka valószínűleg az, hogy a pfSense nem ismeri fel azt a 4-es portcsoportot, aminek az em1 is tagja. Ezt a proprietary OS is csak a bootolás végén, feltehetően egy saját, megfelelő driver betöltésével éleszti fel. Valószínűleg egy hardveres switch, amihez a FreeBSD-nek nincs drivere.
Ettől eltekintve minden szépen működik a Via Nano lappal, így aki ilyen lapot tenne pfSense alá, nagy eséllyel egy jól támogatott rendszerhez jutna. Arra kell csak figyelni, hogy az alaplapra integrált LAN mindegyik tagja normális hálózati eszköz legyen. Ez viszont egy polcról levett lap esetén valószínűleg így is van…
Bővebben LK: pfSense alá HW II. →